1. Measurement Guide
Parcel Girth Value = (Height + Width) * 2 + Length
Maximum Girth Value Allowed: 300 cm
Maximum Length Allowed: 80 cm
Maximum Weight Allowed: 20 KG
2. Surcharges
Once your parcel arrived at One World Express hub, the courier from our partner’s will confirm that the practical information (e.g. size, packaging, weight, and shipping goods) of your shipping parcel conform to the services you purchased from ship2world.co. The quotes and services provided on Ship2world's website base on the parcel details declared by the customer. If the weights or dimensions found by our couriers are not the same as what customers have stated during the booking process, surcharges will occur to cover the extra costs of re-packing and shipping. Customers are liable for any additional surcharges incurred due to the over-weight parcels or over-sized parcels measured by our couriers. Customers will receive a payment link for the underpayments via email. The shipment will be on HOLD until the customer completed the payment.
3. Dispute Surcharges
Customers have the right to dispute any additional fees charged by us with sufficient evidence. Please contact us at info@ship2world.co for requirements regarding surcharges dispute.
4. Unconditional Returns
Any parcel which does not meet or exceeds the courier’s requisites may be returned to the customer with all return charges deducted from the shipping fee already paid. Situations which may arise or cause a return could include: out of gauge or girth, over-weight, the sender does not agree with the updated weight or dimensions applied by our couriers or the item description is not accepted for carriage.
The parcel will be returned back to the sender in these two cases:
1. The parcel's girth value is over 300 cm.
2. The sender refuses to pay for surcharges that incurred under the above circumstances. In this case, an administration fee of £5 plus a return cost of £5 will be applied to conditional charges for customers.
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